Hello, Friends!
I have appreciated all of the comments that you have left on my posts recently. One person said that she liked cards made with the funny Art Impressions stamps so you can guarantee that I'll be making another card to share with you soon featuring Art Impressions Stamps. Why? Because she took the time to post, so the least I can do is fulfill her request.
Another person posted that she liked seeing Frankfurter the Wiener Dog. Actually, she wrote "FRANKFURTER THE WIENER DOG" if I remember correctly.
Well, you gotta give the people what they want, right?!
Here he is!
I had just taken this picture of Frank last week because he turned 14 years old on June 30th. He knew he was the "Birthday Boy" that day and wagged his tail every time we called him by that name!
Frank is such a sweet boy. He is smart (sometimes a little too smart). It's amazing how much he knows and understands. My example of that is always that he learned how to roll the window down in the car by accidentally stepping on the button a couple of times. He quickly realized that's how you make the window come down and now he has rolled the window down on his own for about the last 13 years!
Frank is funny. It's like he has a sense of humor at times. He is sweet and caring and knows when you are upset and he doesn't like it. If you're crying, he comes to lick away your tears. He is cute.
Look at that face, again. It's the sweetest, cutest wiener dog face I've ever seen and that's not because I'm prejudiced, either. :)
He may have a "little old man face" now. He may have bumps and scars from back surgeries in places he didn't used to. (We both do. Maybe it's genetic?) He may walk slow like he can barely get going until it's bedtime and he knows I'm going to give him one last treat for the night. Then he can gallop around the bed, up his doggie steps, jump on the bed and be ready to go in a second. Literally, it probably takes 3 seconds but no more than that, I'm sure.
He is a great dog. We've been together since he was 6 weeks old. The only thing I wish is that we had another 14 years together. Life with a wiener dog is fabulous, no matter what else is going on.
And, if you think I love him a lot, you should see him with my parents!
I will love you forever, Frankfurter!
P.S. Great idea asking for Frank! I'll give in to that request anytime!
What a beautiful picture. Happy belated birthday Frank! Love the story and update on our Wiener Dog - lol. They become our best buds. When I see Frank it sure does make my day - Thank you very much. Have a great day to you both!
Happy belated birthday to Frank. I have enjoyed (and continue enjoying) updates on your health issues, Angela, and hope you (and Frank) are pain free very soon.
Happy Birthday Frankie... You are an Adorable Boy! Our Sophie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge a month ago... she was 18 years old and we too, had her since she was 6 weeks old. Our Children grew up her. Still in the pack is Katie, a longhair and a brother and sister reds that we adopted 4 months ago, Buddy and Lucy. I "know" Sophie had a talk with Lucy before she left, on how to work her cuteness to get away with things. How to be Queen of the House, etc.... lol.. Got to Love the Doxies....
Thanks for Sharing Frankie with us....
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