Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Extraordinary Pudding Night

Last night, some of you made some cards. 
Last night, some of you watched tv.
Last night, some of you went out to dinner.
Last night, some of us flicked pudding at children and adults like there was no tomorrow.

Wait. What?

That's right.  It's VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Chandler Christian Church.  We've been learning about how God can take something ordinary and make it extraordinary because He is an extraordinary God! 

So why am I covered in pudding?  

A few years ago, my good friend Chris Hedrick introduced "pudding night."
We fill a kids blue plastic swimming pool with pudding (vanilla, chocolate, and tapioca for some texture) and then let the kids and leaders flick pudding at each other with spoons.

Wait.  What?

That's right.  Flick Pudding.
Last year was my first time to partake in the pudding flicking fun.
I was dreading it to be honest but I soon found out that it is a lot of fun to flick pudding at people.

Wait.  What?

That's right.  My fifth and sixth graders and the awesome leaders I have flicked pudding at each other and had a blast.  This is how I looked at the end of the night.  I've showered and washed my hair, but I still am "pudding scented."  If it turns out to be a good moisturizer, I'll let you know.

What I do know is that those kids look forward to being a 5th grader at VBS just so they can join the pudding war.  I also know that after a certain amount of time, pudding becomes a solid.  Pudding becomes a very disgusting, but fun, solid. 

I also know that I'm blessed to get to be with 100 5th and 6th graders as their pastor, teacher, friend, and fellow pudding flicker.  My leaders are the best and I'm blessed to serve with them, be their friend, and also, a fellow pudding flicker. 

Thanks to my friend, Michelle, who took our picture.  She is way too clean, don't you think? 

  Happy Stamping, to you Stampers.
Happy TV Watching, to you TV Watchers.
Happy Going out to Dinner, to those of you who went out to dinner.
But most of all, HAPPY PUDDING FLICKING to the best Pudding Flickers in the World!
Pastor Angela loves you with all of her heart.  :)

PS  What did Frank think when I came home still covered in pudding?  First, he came to greet me like normal.  Then, he stepped back and looked at me like, "WHAT happened to YOU?"  Then, he barked at me.  It's bad, but funny, when your own dog barks at you!

1 comment:

Patrice Herrera said...

Oh Angela that sounds like sooo much fun. I will have to tell my Daughter all about this event as she is a Youth Leader for High School Girls at her church. Frank is funny I bet he said "What did you do with my Mommy"!

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